Homo Elegans – A fine line between intimate comfort and outrageous practicality
By Daniele Fenaroli
The eternal struggle between desire and comfort shapes the creativity of Nicole Colombo, author of this issue’s cover. Who fixes her attention on hair and its representation. […] Starting from an anthropological approach, her works bring to the spotlight the struggle between the desire for comfort and the need to deal with discomfort, the dichotomy of every human being, perpetually unbalanced by nature […] there is an undeniable feeling of elegance that transpires from a rococo hairstyle, of flounces, ringlets and hairspray, but will it be the same feeling felt by this woman? Ambivalence, splitting, opposites […] are terms whose boundaries constantly challenge each other […] confronting each other not on a battlefield made up of inescapable dogmas […] but within the intimate and personal boundaries of each one’s sensibility.
Daniele Fenaroli
Extremely interesting element the hair. […] The hair as a continuous force that spirals through time and space, guiding us through every stage of our lives, identifying us or homologating us, defining the time that passes without ever being interrupted. Untitled (We were almost there) encapsulates all this. A black India ink drawing, each line is a hair; obsessive in its realization, it is born and developed in a totally free and anarchic way, finding space autonomously, defining spaces, seeking balance between aesthetic elegance and strength of the sign […] in a perpetual and sensual dance, constantly searching for a permanent center of gravity.