MAMbo – Museo d’arte Moderna di Bologna offers a series of free-entry meetings, curated by Fabiola Naldi, taking place every Thursday at 6 pm, from May 2 to 23, 2024, in the MAMbo conference room.
Opening this second edition of + PUBLIC – PROGRAM will be Ettore Favini with “Tessuto urbano”. Ritualità e mitologie collettive nello spazio.
Urban fabric refers to the structure and arrangement of the elements that make up a city. These elements include streets, buildings, parks, open spaces, infrastructure, commercial and residential areas, as well as any other aspect that contributes to the overall form and function of an urban area. in so-stance, urban fabric is the “skeleton” on which a city develops and evolves, influencing the quality of life of its inhabitants and their relationship with the surrounding space.