No Future | Ettore Favini e Triangolo

Mid 90’s, all the greatest sociologists engaged in studies on generational change are intensely debating in a room. How to name the new generation, the one after millennials — this is the complex topic. Suddenly, an idea: “Generation Z”, shouts an old-looking professor. Around him, murmuring of assent. Then, the youngest of the sociologists stands up and takes the floor timidly: “dear colleagues, just a quick doubt… if we call it Z, how are we going to call the one afterwards?”. Guffaws spread all over the room. Fade out. This is pretty much how those born between the end of the 90s...

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Cremona Contemporanea | Art Week

Cremona Contemporanea | Art Week stems from the need to reaffirm in Italy and abroad the value of Cremona through a dialogue between its places and contemporary artists. The cultural heritage in the city area, which counts numerous historic buildings, small and large squares, private galleries and disused spaces to be rediscovered, needs to be reactivated, enhanced and promoted. Cremona has been a crossroads of changes, theater of interesting cultural and political ferments, tensions and conflicts, and has seen the passage of important families who have left traces which are...

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